Importance of Music in Theatre
Importance of Music in Theatre Theatre is the most realistic form of acting and without music, the various flavors of the theatre can vanish. While it can provide tone or mood, it can also provide more specific information to the audience. Sometimes a character will have a theme or musical motif that the audience hears every time the character appears onstage. Once such a theme has been established, it can be used to foreshadow the character. Music has been an integral part of theater in the Western world as far back as the tragedies and comedies of ancient Greece. Music can reveal the inner emotional life of a character, foreshadow a vicious attack or budding love, or comment on the action onstage. It allows the actors and audience to understand the better exposition of an actor, scene, or sequence. According to the first theatrical scholar, Aristotle, the six elements that make up any drama are plot, character, thought, diction, music, and spectacle. Other traditions of theater from ...